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Augusta County: Henry H. Dedrick to Mary E. A. Dedrick, November 23, 1861

Dedrick writes about cold weather, winter quarters, and the fact that he is sending money. The reverse of the letter is one from his wife about the food she tried to send.

Mary E.A. Dedrick

November the 23 1861

Pocahontas County VA

Dear Wife

I have an opportunity this morning to send you a few lines by Walter Lewis to let you know that I am well at this time and I hope when these few lines comes to hand they may find you all are well and doing well. Bill O. is well he is agetting breakfast. The rest of the creek boys is all well with the exception of Rice and [unclear: Bridge]. They aint very well at this time. We have had some hard times here. We have had some snow here, it is a snowing here now. We have rain or snow every two or three days and it is most impossible to get provisions here for all the soldiers.

We have moved in our cabin and we have very good times now. We can do almost as well here as we can at home. All of the soldiers have left Greenbrier River. They come up here yesterday. Some of them will stay here with us and some of them will go to Staunton. I am on guard. I have stood one tour and I tell you it is cold.

I wrote this above before daylight this morning. I heard while I was on my post that our regiment and four other regiments was to stay on Alleghany this winter. I saw Jeremy Falls last night. He was well. Give my love to all my friends. Lissa we drawed our money yesterday and I will send you fifteen dollars in this letter. I will send you five more in this which will make twenty dollars in this letter and I will send you seven dollars by Lewis, that will make twenty seven dollars. I want you to take care of it for me. If you need any you must take as much of it as you want. I drawed $63.85. I paid $6.50 for my coat and $6.00 for a pair of boots that I got from Smith, and I paid Lewis $20.00 and [illeg.] 35 cents. I wrote you a letter some time ago and I have not got any answer from it yet. I want you to write soon and let me know how you are agetting along. If you have anything to send me if you have a chance you may send it and if you don't have any chance it don't make any difference. I have more to write but I have not got time to write. Write soon. So nothing more but remain your affectionate husband until death. So fare you well my Dear. H. H. Dedrick to his Dear wife. Lissa, I don't want you to lend out one cent of it to nobody on occasion at all.

Mary E. A. Dedrick to Henry

Nov. [?] 1861

Dear Henry- I packed up a good many things, preserves and one thing and another and took them over to Grasses and he told me he would take them and I went over there the next day after he started and he hadn't took them, and this letter was in the satchel, the reason you didn't get it sooner. We are well. It is agetting late and I must go to the office yet. May my kind saviour protect you. Yours truly, M.E.A.D.

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