Augusta County: Mary A. Smiley to Thomas M. Smiley, May 23, 1861
Discusses political sentiment of the community and the coming election. Reports rumor of
blacks killing whites.
Thomas M. Smiley

May 23rd 1861
Dear Brother
It appears that the writing is all put off for me to do not that it is any unwelcome task for
me to do but I think that they should write some the excuse they have is that we don't write until the day we want to send a letter
then they put me to work to get it done in time to send you maybe think strange that I do all
the writing but the above is the reason I have no news to write but [deleted: as] we
have a good chance of sending Mr McCarny expects to start tomorrow he got home last Friday I
reckon he was almost tormented with people calling to see him We saw him Sunday but had no talk
with him as he was in a great hurry to get along further to the next block, you know. This is
election day it has been beautiful so far even the morning appears to favor the election for
ratifying what the convention has done I think a great majority of the people will go for
secession revolution or whatever it is called The greatest number
of the papers urge the people to ratify the acts of the Convention to present a bold and united
front to the North against its tyranny Even to the Spectator which
you know was as strong a union paper as could be found I don't hear of
many union people about here now Billy Beard J Buchanan & John Withrow are all that I
hear spoken of. Billy Beard was here one night he was wishing Virginia
had let the South alone and stayed in the union I'll declare I could
hardly hold my tongue but as he was talking to ma I had to, pa
didn't agree with him
[page 2]
There is some of the awfulest bad reports get out here here about
one of the latest it was reported that a parcel of Irishmen and negroes from the Penitentiary
that were working on the railroad had broken out and killed thirteen families but there is
nothing of it Uncle James Aunt Lizzie Sallie & Lettie have come down today they have
been telling us that John Berry has got home I do think it is a shame that he has got off on the plea of bad health it make the balance
of us feel dissatisfied I hope his father will get a good scolding I think it was very
dishonorable for him to get him off in that way when others in that
company are as weakly as John and others are going away that are in
bad health Aunt Lizzie and Sallie send their love to you and would like to see you Ma &
Tish also send their love to you and also receive a large share from myself
From your affectionate sister
Mary A Smiley