Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Maria Perkins to Richard Perkins, October 8, 1852


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Slave Maria Perkins writes her husband "to let you know of my distress." Her son was recently sold and she fears that she will soon be sold to a slave trader. She asks her husband to beg his own master to buy her.

Oct 8th 1852


Dear Husband

I write you a letter to let you know of my distress my master has sold albert to a trader on monday court day and myself and other child is for sale also and I want to you let hear from you very soon before next cort if you can I dont know when I dont want you to wait till christmas I want you to tell dr Hamelton or your master if either will buy me they can attend to it now and then I can go after wards I dont want a trader to get me they asked me if I had got any person to buy me and I told them no they took me to the court house too & they never put me up a man by the name of brady bought albert and is gone I dont know where they say he lives in Scottesville my things is in several places some is in staunton and if I should be sold I dont know what will become of them I dont expect to meet with the luck to get that way till I am quite heart sick nothing more

I am and ever will be your kind Wife

Maria Perkins

To Richard Perkins

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