Augusta County: B. S. Brooke to John T. Blake,
November 14, 1859
Brooke discusses the "considerable excitment here in reference to [John Brown's]
Nov 14, 1859
My Dear Friend
I am happy to inform you of my safe arrival in this place, found all well and glad to see me.
I have nothing of importance to communicate the times seem hard, money scarce, but not quite so bad as in Greenbriar for here you can get plenty to eat for the money and at rather reasonable prices. I see by the paper this morning that Cook has been convicted--Stevens has been handed over to the U. S. authorities and will doubtless be tried in Staunton. There is considerable excitment here in reference to this insurrection. Many persons are selling, and sending their negros to the South.
My kindest regards to your mother & sister. I have no news to give you & read none. I thought I would write you a line, to let you know of my safe arrival--Love to all
I remain
Truly Yours,
B. S. Brooke