Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John W. Jordan to Ross C. Eakle, May 16, 1868

Jordan informs a congregation that they are to allow a group of freedmen to use their church for services, and asks them to not interfere.

Messrs Ross C. Eakle
And all whom it may concern
Mt. Sidney,
Augusta County Virginia

May 16, 1868

Staunton, Virginia,


You are respectfully requested to give to the Reverend Mr. King the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the above named point for religious services on Sunday May 17, 1868 at 3:30 P.M.

It is earnestly hoped that no demonstrations will be made interfering with the peace and good order of the neighborhood tomorrow.

Your obedient servant

John W. Jordan
Assistant Commissioner &c

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