Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Thomas P. Jackson, November 14, 1867

McDonnell gives Jackson permission to issue clothing to destitute freedmen.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters 9th Sub District Virginia Mr. Thomas P. Jackson

Nov. 14, 1867

Winchester, Virginia


Authority has been received to issue gratuitously the trousers and shirts in your possession to destitute freedmen.

I send you Blank Receipt Rolls on which the issues are to be entered and receipted by the parties & witnessed by you.

You will please include the issue to Alexander Jones, making it bear date in November. The rolls are required at this office promptly at the end of each month to accompany any Property Returns.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

John A. McDonnell
Captain & Sub Assistant Commissioner

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