Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to
Thomas P. Jackson, June 6, 1867
McDonnell asks Jackson to clarify his report on the rations distributed in his
district, and impresses upon Jackson the need for consistency in his reporting
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District
Department of the Potomac,
Mr. Thomas P.
Staunton, Va.
June 6, 1867
Winchester, Va.
I return for [unclear: correction] your Reported rations--from which it appears that only 30 rations were issued 1049 persons. You evidently mistake what a ration is--a ration is the allowance to an adult for one day, or to two children one day. Supplies for 10 men 10 days would be 100 rations. so 10 children 10 days =50. Please correct it in that particular.
Second-You are directed to make your report correspond with the Prvv Returns sent in. If you afterwards issued to more than [unclear: one] drawn for they must not be repeated. If they are your report will not agree with the Commissary's abstract which he makes up from the [unclear: Prvv] Returns received. You will return corrected report by first mail.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient
John A. McDonnell
Captain & Sub Assistant Commissioner