Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Thomas P.
Jackson, September 19, 1867
McDonnell asks Jackson to provide information regarding the condition of freedmen under the
Bureau's jurisdiction in Augusta and Highland counties so that McDonnell can prepare his
quarterly report.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District Department
of the Potomac
Mr. Thomas P.
September 19th, 1867
Winchester, Va
My Quarterly report being called for earlier than I expected and fearful that I cannot go to Staunton so soon again, I will thank you for a full reply to each of the following inquiries as soon as practicable. That is
1st What is the General Condition of the freedmen.
2nd What likelihood is there of full justice being given to freedpeople by the civil courts in cases in which they are interested against whites.
3rd What is the condition of the Register of Marriages as authorized by Circular 11-1866, and how far are each of the four Paragraphs of said Circular carried out.
4th How is the supply of labor adapted to the demand.
5th What is the condition of the Schools for freedmen and what the demand for them elsewhere.
A full report is required covering the condition of you Sub division, and such other information as may be important or interesting in reference to the general Condition of the freedpeople in Augusta and Highland Counties.
My Report is called for on the 25th so please forward yours as soon as possible.
Very Respectfully,
John A. McDonnell