Freedmen's Bureau Records: Samuel A. Hoshour to
Roswell Waldo, October 5, 1868
Hoshour justifies the dismissal of two employees from their duties at the Western
Lunatic Asylum.
Western Lunatic Asylum
Roswell Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
October 5th 1868
Staunton Va.
Yours of 3rd inst. is before me, to which I hasten to reply. Nelson Walker (colored) was discharged from the service of this asylum for repeatedly violating an important regulation of this institution. He was employed in one of our wards occupied by the insane. He left his post and remained away all night without the consent or knowledge of those in charge. This he repeated not less than two or three times after I had reasoned with him & pointed out the great importance of this regulation.
You have herewith, statement of his account and copy of contract.
Mary Jane Scott, after long indulgence & repeated admonitions, was
finally discharged for disturbing the peace & quiet of the institution.
She quarreled with the other servants & her last act was to attack her
husband in such a
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manner as to produce an excitement throughout the
department in which she was employed. You have herewith copy of her account and contract.
Your obedient Servant,
Sam'l A. Hoshour