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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Contract between Nelson Walker and Samuel A. Hoshour, January 5, 1868


January 5th, 1868

This article of Agreement, made this 5th day of January 1868 between Nelson Walker of the first part, and Samuel A. Hoshour, Steward of Western Lunatic Asylum, Va., on behalf of said Asylum, of the second part.


That for, and in consideration of, the sum of One hundred & twenty Dollars, the said Nelson Walker hereby agrees faithfully, and diligently, to perform the duties of servant and laborer, according to the rules and regulations of said Institution, at the Asylym, or such other place as may be required, for the period of twelve months, in consideration of which services the party of the second part herewith agrees to pay the said party of the first part the sum of Ten Dollars per month, with proper and suitable food and quarters, and will furnish Medical attendance and Medicine free of charge, except in case of midwifery, surgery, or when the sickness is protracted beyond three weeks continuance.

The said parties hereby further agree that a sum equal to one month's pay shall be retained by the said party of the second part until final settlement at the expiration of said period, and that proportionate deduction shall be made from the wages for time lost by sickness or other cause.

And the said parties further unchangeably agree, that, if this contract be violated by either party without legal cause, the party so violating the same shall pay to the other, as liquidated damages, the sum of Twenty Dollars.

And the said parties further agree that, if it shall be mutually desirable to annul this contract before the expiration of the term agreed upon, it shall be done only in the presence, and with the concurrence, of such officer of the Freedmen's Bureau as may have immediate jurisdiction in this matter in the district wherein the said parties reside.

Given at Western Lunatic Asylum on the day and date above written.

Nelson [added: his mark] Walker

Sam'l A. Hoshour, Steward

Wm. Hamilton
J. A. Berkely

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