Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to J.
T. H. Hall, August 28, 1867
Jackson writes about two unsettled cases, referring them to Hall, Augusta
County's Military Commissioner.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia.
Lieutenant J.T.H. Hall
Military Commissioner &c
August 28 1867.
Staunton, Virginia
I have the honor to transmit order of A. Simms (S 13 [unclear: vo]/67) and letter of Crawford & Brother* (C 5 vo/67) with a request that if possible Crawford may be compelled to pay over amount to me or Simms promptly. Crawford having by letter and message repeatedly promised to settle I expected no difficulty with him and Simms who is working in Rockingham County is depending upon my collecting but Crawford who is abundantly able to pay evidently does not intend to do so until forced. Of course I cannot bring suit and Simms is not only too poor to do so but he has his little property liened upon for a debt he calculated to pay with this money. Crawford I know would settle with me sooner than be summoned to Woodstock.
Enclosed papers please return
*James & William Crawford
2 enclosures
Your obedient servant
Thos. P. Jackson