Freedmen's Bureau Records: N. C. Brackett to Thomas
P. Jackson, May 4, 1867
Brackett asks for financial help from the Bureau to open schools in several
locations, including Waynesboro.
Mr. Jackson
Agent Bureau Freedmen, Refugees and Abandoned Lands
May. 4. 1867
Staunton Virginia
Permit me to ask of you whether the Bureau can do anything toward establishing schools in destitute places in this Valley. On account of scarcity of funds the Society will be obliged to discontinue its labors the last of June, for the present season. There are several important places by Bloomsbury, Waynesboro, New Market and Port Republic where there have never been schools. We have some teachers who are so accustomed to the climate, that they would stay through the summer and open schools at these places if they could be supported. If the Bureau would aid to the amount of $20.00 twenty dollars per month, [added: (for each teacher)] with what the people themselves could do, we could start several new schools during the Summer.
Very Respectfully Yours
N.C. Brackett
Superintendent Schools
Valley of Virginia