Freedmen's Bureau Records: Sallie Myers to [Thomas
P. Jackson], March 21, 1868
Sallie Myers submits a reference for an Esther Smith, who has worked for Myers
for 15 months. Smith had submitted a complaint against her husband, Albert
Smith, who deserted her in 1863.
Officer of the Bureau Department
March 21st/68
Near Staunton Virginia
Kind Sir
This woman came to you in trouble. Please hear her statement and give her the advice and information she asks. You can rely on what she tells you. I have had her employed for the last fifteen months and know her to be an honest, truthful [added: &] virtuous woman.
Very Respectfully,
Sallie Myers
[Written in Jackson's hand] "Esther Smith (colored) has 4 children by Albert Smith (colored) who now lives at Chilberth Ohio with a wife. Deserted Esther in 1863 [illeg.] & has done nothing for her since. Now wants to claim two oldest children. [deleted: ] TPJ"