Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to
Roswell Waldo, December 14, 1868
McDonnell's letter describes the articles of clothing being shipped to Waldo for
distribution. McDonnell explains to Waldo how he should account for and
distribute the clothing.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters. 9t
Sub District
Roswell Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
Staunton, Virginia
December 14t1868
Your letter announcing the receipt of a supply of clothing has been received.
The articles were Invoiced to me and receipted for on the 25th of last month. Although I requested their shipment to you. Major White failed to inform me to whom they were sent, or I should have advised you of their shipment. The following are the articles Invoiced Major
Trousers, pair 30 - [unclear: Osuaburg] yards 120 - Blankets Woolen 20 - Brogans, pairs 40 - Dress Coats 15 - Over Coats 15 - Mens shoes pairs 40 - Dresses 40 - Chemises 40.
The Dress Coats and Over Coats being [unclear: GM] [unclear: Shoes] are to be issued on separate rolls.
I shall send by this mail a sufficient number of Receipt Rolls. Please describe
the articles exactly as above, making the "Osuaburg Trousers"
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already had, a separate item from the "Trousers" just received, as they are
accounted for as per Invoice.
Major White desires that all this clothing be accounted for on receipt rolls, and if not all issued, the balance be turned over to the School Teachers for issue.
Please return Receipt Rolls accounting for all this clothing as early as the 25th inst.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient
John A. McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner