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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Thomas P. Jackson, August 5, 1867

McDonnell sends Jackson's school report back to him a second time for correction, because Jackson once again failed to include data on the gender of those enrolled in schools.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District Department of the Potomac, Mr. Thomas P. Jackson
Staunton Virginia

August 5th 1867

Winchester, Virginia,


The School Report from Staunton, returned once for correction, is still incomplete. The Total number of pupils & the number of each sex - a very necessary item) being omitted. Fortunately, this being the first report, the number of new scholars, [unclear: should] also the Total enrolled, but their sex is still unknown. You will examine all such reports carefully, and see that all the headings are properly filled out.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

John A. McDonnell
Captain & Sub Assistant Commissioner

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