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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. Pursell to Thomas P. Jackson, April 17, 1867

Pursell reports what he knows about N. Johnson, who abandoned his wife in Ohio to move to Virginia.

Thomas P Jackson, Assistant Superintendent

April 17 1867

Washington Court House, Fayette County Ohio

Dear Sir

Yours of 9th inst. was received N. Johnson. Left some money in bank when he left here, be also left his wife poor and helpless, and our authorities ordered me to use the money for her benefit, which I did. There is about $19.00 yet in my hands, in currency, & the note on Alex. Anderson, not paid, I think it can be collected. I think Johnson acted badly towards, his wife, he sold everything he could, from her & left her destitute, I advised him not to go to Virginia, but stay with his wife, I think he was slightly deranged, when he left.

Yours &c

J. Pursell

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