Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Thomas P. Jackson, April 29, 1867

McDonnell clarifies several bureaucratic issues for Jackson, including one regarding payment for forage of his horse.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District Department of the Potomac, Mr. Thomas P. Jackson
Staunton Virginia

April 29th 1867

Winchester, Virginia,


In reply to your communication of 26th inst. I have to state, First, concerning the unpaid vouchers for Forage, sent to Captain Williams, I have nothing to do. Captain Williams received from me, requisitions for Forage for Mr. Tukey's horse and he is responsible for their payment. He is now away, on leave, and the company to which he belongs, is now under marching orders. Their destination is Richmond. Captain Williams' address is Captain A.H.D. Williams, care S. S. Williams Esquire, Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Second, as to pay of Messenger for December, Mr. Jackson's attention is invited to enclosed letter, forwarding check for his payment, receipted by endorsement. Mr Jackson will please return it.

Very Respectfully etc

John A. McDonnell
Captain & Sub Assistant Commissioner

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