Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. Garnett to John W. Jordan, April 25, 1868

Garnett informs Jordan that he will pay H. Holland the money he is owed for work with the railroad company.

Office Virginia Central Railroad Company, Mr. J. Jordan
Ag Bureau etc

April 25 1868



Mr. John H. Richardson will pay you fourteen 08/100 dollars amount due by the Virginia Central Railroad Company to H. Holland for work in the month of September 1867, as appears by the payroll.

I find that the amount which was due to H. Holland for work done in August 1867 = five 36/100 dollars was paid to H [unclear: Giles] [illeg.] to the payroll for that month & the [unclear: work] of H Holland to Giles filed therewith.

I will thank you to receipt the endorsed order for the sum herewith sent & return it to me by Mr. Richardson

Respectfully etc

J. Garnett, Jr.

Captain J. H. Richardson will please pay to J Jordan Agent Bureau at Staunton the $14 08 due H Holland & take his receipt therefor in the enclosed order & bring it to me on his return. I enclose the money to pay him.

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