Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to John W. Jordan, May 4, 1868

McDonnell itemizes the office supplies being sent to Jordan, noting that Thomas Jackson, the previous agent, generally required more than was normally allotted. McDonnell also instructs Jordan on how to report its usage.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Sub District Virginia Colonel John W. Jordan
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
Staunton, Virginia

May 4.68



I send you this day the following articles of Stationery, viz:
10 [unclear: Qrs] Letter Paper 300 envelopes official
1 Gross Sheet [unclear: Rems] 100 envelopes Letter
3 ounces Sealing wax 3 [unclear: Pcs] official Tape
3 Sheets Blotting Paper 2 Lead Pencils
2 [unclear: Bts] Mucilage 2 [unclear: Bts] Red Ink
2 Blank Books 4 [unclear: Bts] Black Ink

Mr Jackson found the allowance prescribed by the Bureau Officers Manual entirely insufficient for the transaction of his official duties. As you will probably require the same quantity, I have transmitted about what Mr. Jackson

[page 2]
usually required for a three months supply. But as in my Memoranda: Property Return at the end of each month I am required to state the quantity consumed by each officer, you will please report at the end of each month the amount which will probably be [added: expended by you during] the ensuing month.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

John A. McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner

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