Freedmen's Bureau Records: Douglas Frazar to Thomas
P. Jackson, February 25, 1868
Frazar, another Bureau agent, asks Jackson to have John Brent report to his
office in Lexington, presumably for mediation with Joseph Miller.
Headquarters Bureau Freedmen
Refugees & AbandonedLands Thomas P. Jackson Esquire
February 25/1868
Lexington, Virginia
Dear Sir:
Will you please inform John Brent, colored, to be here at my office on March 5th next on which day Joseph Miller has promised to be present. I do not know Brent's address and thinking that you may have it I send you this I shall however invite John Brent addressed Brownsburg Rockbridge County
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Douglas Frazar
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
6th Division
7th Sub District