Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. T. H. Hall to Thomas
P. Jackson, August 13, 1867
Hall asks Jackson to give his opinion on several cases being forwarded him by
Hall, one of which involves a stolen horse.
T.P. Jackson
August 13t 1867
Woodstock, Virginia
Dear Sir
May I ask you to investigate the enclosed letters, sending me a separate statement in each case.
You see I take advantage of your kind offer. Please return as soon as possible.
How do you get along in Augusta. Hope to see you soon.
J.T.H. Hall
Lieutenant &c
P.S. Please see D. Fultz, who has a voucher in the name of W. Shutters from M E Price of Staunton for one horse taken by Price for which Shutters brought suit please send me a full report of same & state your opinion as to the justice of claim. If Price will settle it without a trial you can arrange it with him. J.H.