Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. L. D. Walford to Thomas P. Jackson, May 20, 1867

Walford responds to Jackson's request about providing books for schools in Augusta County, and he refers Jackson to their representative in the county, Cyrus Fry.

Mr. Thos P. Jackson
Sub Assistant Commissioner &c

May 20, 1867

American Tract Society Richmond

Dear Sir

Your application for aid for the Freedmen of Augusta County in the way of Books has been handed us by Reverend Mr. Manly with request that we do what we can for you.

Our plan is to place the Books in the hands of some one who will use proper discrimination selling the Books to all that will or can buy them, (and experience tells us that those who purchase appreciate the books most) but at the same time we desire to help all those who are too poor to buy, let none go unlearned because they are too poor to buy a book.

Reverend C. F. Fry is our [illeg.] in your county, lives in Staunton and would no doubt be glad to cooperate with you in doing anything he can to better the

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condition of the freedmen, we will write him and request him to see you, in the meantime, we shall be glad to receive letters from you in regard to any special [unclear: cases] of [added: Sabbath] schools needing books, shall be glad to hear from you again.

Very truly yours &c

J. L. D. Walford
For Reverend G. L. Shearer District Secretary
American Tract Society

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