Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Roswell Waldo, September 15, 1868

McDonnell expresses surprise that Waldo is requesting money for a school house in Waynesboro, because as McDonnell explains, $150 was already appropriated for that purpose while Jackson was the agent for Augusta County, and no more aid can be expended.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters 9th Sub District Virginia Mr. Roswell Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
Staunton, Virginia

September 15th 1868



It was with some surprise that your application for aid in building a schoolhouse & church in Waynesboro was received.

Authority to expend $150 in repairing a schoolhouse for freedpeople was given by communication from this office of May 20t 1867. And checks in payment of accounts for material purchased were sent as follows viz.

July 30 Louis W. Pearce $16.00 H.A. Harner $21.69 $37.69 Sept 18 W. H. Watts 82.02 Oct. 12 I. & H. [illeg.] 15.66 1868 January 28 William Pannel Jr 15.00

Receipts for the above amounts from the Agent in charge at Staunton are on file in this office. It is presumed that the colored people are endeavoring to obtain further assistance from you, but it is possible that the money may

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not have been expended as designed.

Application was made last January for a Teacher for the School at Waynesboro, and it was supposed that the Schoolhouse was in use, or ready for occupation.

No further aid can be expected from the Bureau in building schoolhouses, the sum appropriated for that purpose being exhausted.

Books and teachers are supplied only by private parties or charitable associations.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

John A. McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner

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