Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: William Chapman to [Roswell Waldo], November 10, 1868

Chapman writes to Waldo about the case of Sally Taylor, noting that it is now in the hands of William McBush, the constable. The details of the case are not clear from the letter.

November 10 1868



I received yours of the 6 and will just say in Reply that I have done all that I can do in Case of Sally Taylor vs James Harrison -- I tried the case and gave her it judgement & Etc, for thirty Dollars which was all I could do -- the claim is in the hands of William McBush C.W.D.

Yours Truly

Wm Chapman Justice of the Peace

P.S. The Execution of Sally Taylor is in my hands to collect but no property found with which to satisfy the Execution will do my best to make it. Respectfully yours
Wm McBush C.W.D.

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