Freedmen's Bureau Records: John T. Johnson to Thomas
P. Jackson, August 30, 1867
Johnson, of the Lincoln Temperance Association, sends Jackson information about
his group, at Jackson's request. Johnson asks that Jackson report on his
progress in formed local associations.
Thos P. Jackson, Esquire
August 30th 1867
Washington City D.C.
in compliance with your note bearing date 22nd ulti. I hasten to comply with your request, and herewith send you twelve (12) copies of the plan and constitution of Lincoln National Temperance Association, you will please inform me of the success attendant on your exertions, and how many societies have been Organized under its auspices, which will enable me to make my quarterly Report.
Your Obedient Servant
John Thos Johnson
No 17 K Street
Chairman Executive Committee