Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John A. McDonnell, July 3, 1867

Jackson recounts the story of Patience Spencer, whose children were taken by a slave trader in 1861. According to Jackson, she desperately wants to find them, and he forwards what few details he has in the hopes of locating them.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub-District, Virginia. Captain John A. McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner

July 3, 1867

Staunton, Virginia


Patience Spencer (colored) seeks her two children James Thomas (15 years) and Melissa Ann Maria Spencer (11 years) The children were taken from her at Samuel Spencer's 5 miles from Amherst Court House Amherst County Virginia by John Mitchell a slave trader who then lived at Lynchburg and who sold them at Richmond, Virginia in July 1861. Who bought them or where they were taken to she never could learn, but thinks perhaps John Mitchell or Landon Talieferro who lives at New Glasgow, Amherst County Virginia may know. The poor woman it appears hid herself in the woods with her children to escape the sale but hunger compelled her to let her children return to the house for food, when they were seized and carried off. Her information is I fear too indefinite for discovery but she

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she is so earnestly desirous of regaining them that I respectfully forward her request in the hope some clue may be obtained from Mitchell or Talieferro.

Your obedient servant

Thos P. Jackson

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