Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John
A. McDonnell, October 26, 1867
Jackson writes to McDonnell about the case of York Kidd, who would be able to pay
his way to Tennessee to live with his children if he were able to settle a claim
against R. W. Smith. McDonnell instructs Jackson what action to take in the
attached endorsement.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia
Captain John A.
Sub Assistant Commissioner
October 26 1867.
Staunton, Virginia
I respectfully ask if Transportation can be furnished from Staunton, Augusta County Virginia to Nashville Tennessee for York Kidd freedman. York is now about 60 years old and in failing health. his family sold from him to Tennessee, write they will take good care of him if he can reach there. There is about his case a circumstance it is proper to mention, that York has a claim against a Mr. R.W. Smith of Staunton which could he collect, would more than pay his expenses, but I cannot compel Smith to settle even partially & York has not means to sue.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Thos P. Jackson