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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando Brown, August 7, 1865

How proposes to convert an engine seized from the Confederate government into use with a saw mill to provide employment and lumber in the region.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Headquarters Sixth District Virginia Colonel O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner Richmond, Virginia

August 7t 1865



I have the honor to state that there is at this place a portable steam engine of about (10) ten horse power that belonged to the so called Confederate Government. I am of opinion that it can be put in working order for less than ($100.00) one hundred dollars, and learning that there is at Fort Monroe and Portsmouth a Saw Mill not in use, together with parts of Machinery that would reduce the cost to almost fifty dollars. I propose to set a Saw Mill in operation as by so doing, Lumber that will certainly be needed can be furnished, and employment given to freedmen who will require it. Will you please give the order necessary for the transfer of the Saw Mill &c to me

I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully

W. Storer How, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster
Superintendent 6th District Virginia

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