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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Frederick S. Tukey, October 4, 1865

How authorizes Tukey to use a room in the Court house in Staunton as a school.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Sixth District Virginia Mr. F. S. Tukey
Assistant Superintendent
Staunton, Virginia

October 4t 1865

Staunton, Virginia


By permission from Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Clay 58th Pennsylvania Volunteers commanding sub-district of Staunton you are at liberty to use the upper story of the Court House recently occupied by me as an office, for a school room, for the children of freedmen in your sub-District 'B'.

Proper care will be taken of the Rooms in order that they may be given up when legitimately claimed, in as good condition as they now are.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully

W. Storer How

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