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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to William N. Felt, November 20, 1865

How responds to what appears to be a report of discrepancies in the rations accounts in Staunton.

Bureau &c Brevet Major Wm. N. Felt Connecticut State Volunteers
Richmond, Virginia

November 20t 1865

Winchester, Virginia


I have respectfully to inform you in answer to yours of the 16th inst. that no rations were returned as issued by the Asst. Supt. at Staunton, Virginia in the month of October, and I am thus at a loss to account for the facts you report.

If necessary I will thank you for entering them on my report, and informing me of the change in detail so that I can amend my retained copy in the same manner. I have endeavored to make my reports accurate and will again instruct Assts to be careful to make exact returns.

I shall go to Staunton this week, and learn the [illeg.] of this error.

I am &c

W Storer How
Captain &c

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