Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to George
Rutherford, November 24, 1865
How responds to an enquiry from the Quartermaster Department related to his
service before becoming Superintendent of the 6th District.
Brevet Brigadier General Geo. R. Rutherford
Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army
Washington, D.C.
November 24th 1865
Staunton, Virginia
I am this day in receipt of your letter in relation to General orders No. 51 Current Series which order I have not as yet received or read.
On the 30th day of September 1865 I had no Employees serving under me in the Quartermaster Department because I was then, as now on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, as Superintendent of the Sixth District Virginia and since the 1st of October 1863, I have neither employed Printers for a compensation nor paid any person for such services.
My Post Office address as previously reported by me to the Quarter Master General is Winchester Virginia, and the direction of your communication to Staunton is the reason of this delay in replying to it.
I am General &c
W Storer How
Captain &c