Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando
Brown, December 15, 1865
How sends his estimates for supplies needed for the upcoming quarter and
justifies his requests for fuel and a wagon each for Winchester, Staunton, and
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Colonel O. Brown, Assistant Commissioner
Richmond, Virginia
December 15th '65
I have the honor to forward herewith my Estimate for Quartermaster Stores for the Quarter ending March 31st 1865.
The fuel required will be absolutely essential to the existence of many Freedmen and at this moment there is very great suffering which might and ought to be relieved by the issue of fuel in small quantities, and which my previous estimates if approved, would have enabled me to do so.
The wagons are really necessary and would have been asked for before, but for my earnest desire to avoid unnecessary expense, and the hope that the local Quartermasters would be able to supply all needs. Such is not the case, their transportation being insufficient for their ordinary wants, leaving the business of the Bureau to suffer through their helplessness. One wagon is needed at each of the three principal points in this District, viz Winchester, Staunton, and Lexington.
I have also respectfully to request action upon the requisitions previously forwarded as the articles therein required are now very much needed.
I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Captain &c