Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando
Brown, February 15, 1866
How responds to an order that appears to relate to his transportation supplies in
the district. In response, he relates the shortage of transportation available
to his agents, emphasizing the danger of Bureau agents traveling alone. He also
describes the problems arising from the fact that his district spans two
separate military departments.
Colonel O Brown Assistant Commissioner &c
February 15th 1866
I have received your order to turn in the transportation in my possession, and in reference to it desire to state that I have but one (1) officer acting as Provost Marshall, under the order of Major General Terry, and he is at Lexington, Virginia and he is at Lexington in charge of Sub-District "A", three (3) counties. At Staunton there is a Civilian Assistant Superintendent in charge of Sub-District "B", two (2) Counties, and in these five (5) Counties there are no United States Forces, and no other effective means of interim communication, than by the mentioned officer and civilians.
The boundary line between Augusta and Rockingham Counties separates the Department of Virginia from the Middle Military Department, and compliance with this order will leave the remaining (8) eight Counties, much the larger portion of the Sixth District, without any means of transportation since the orders of Major General Terry are not effective here.
I have in use a spring wagon with two (2) horses, and I can more economically traverse my District in it than by any other means of transportation.
I have also in use two (2) horses at Staunton by the
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Civilian Assistant Superintendent and me at Lexington by
the Military Assistant Superintendent
acting Provost Marshall and in my judgement
each officer should have at least two (2) public horses. One reason being that
it is unsafe for an officer of this Bureau to travel in these Counties
unattended and in the entire absence of Military support. In this Middle Military Department with the voluntary assistance
of [unclear:
] I have managed as well as I might in the hopes that at some time
Quartermaster supplies might be obtainable, but am
unable now to make requisition [illeg.] officers on duty in this portion
of my District because they are not acting Provost
Marshalls awaiting instructions.
I shall proceed to Staunton, and retaining one (1) horse for the officer at Lexington, turn in the other four (4) and the wagon, equipments &c with the least possible delay, as ordered.
I am &c
W Storer How
Captain &c