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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando Brown, February 12, 1866


How submits corrected receipts for "medical services rendered the Freedmen" in Staunton, appearing defensive in his assertions that the expenditures were "necessary" and "pressing." Colonel O. Brown, Assistant Commissioner

February 12, 1866

Richmond, Virginia


I have the honor to forward herewith for approval corrected accounts for medical services rendered the Freedmen by Doctors [unclear: Fauntlerry] and Freeman at Staunton & Lexington respectively

They were employed under my direction at a time when there was pressing need for their services, and while I was awaiting definite instructions in the subject.

The services were necessary, were [unclear: rendered], and I believe the accounts to be moderate & just.

I am &c

W. Storer How
Captain &c

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