Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to Joseph F. Tannehill, October 22, 1868

Waldo asks Tannehill to deduct the wages of his employee, Charles Brown, who is accused of stealing certain items from a Joshua Harris.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 4th Division 9 Sub District Mr. Joseph F. Tannehill
Staunton, Virginia

October 22/68

Staunton, Virginia


The bearer Joshua Harris (colored) complains to this office that Charles Brown (colored) Employed by you is indebted to him (Harris) to amount of $ 3. 00 - One dollar being for shirt sold said Brown and $2 00 for [unclear: pair ]sheets & one [unclear: razor]which said Brown stole from Harris nearly [unclear: two years] ago - which amount Brown promised to pay Harris, he having acknowledged the theft [illeg.] Brown having continually baffled [unclear: Harris][illeg.] the payment of this debt, I most respectfully request that a sufficient amount [unclear: be remitted] from Brown's wages to settle it.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant

Roswell Waldo Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner

Mr. Tannehill paid Harris amount $3.00 & deducted same from wages of Brown

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