Freedmen's Bureau Records: Statement of Roswell Waldo, November
11, 1868
Waldo explains his reasoning in a case involving a wage dispute between Booz, Burdett and
Cornelia Moore. Waldo finds that all parties are equally at fault and are responsible for equal
portions of the claim.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 4th Division 9 Sub-District
November 11. 1868
Staunton Virginia
In the case of Cornelia Moore (colored) versus [unclear: W] Booz heard at this office on the 9th instant, in which said Cornelia Claims of the said Booz the sum of $7 50 in payment for services rendered by her, as servant in boarding house of said Booz, for five weeks at rate of $6.00 per month which amount became due on or about the 12th of October [unclear: ultimo] - date of her [unclear: discharge], which said Booz refused to pay [unclear: Cornelia] for reasons hereinafter stated - The [unclear: Evidince] & testimony produced elicits the following decision from this Office viz:
Cornelia, having remained & boarded at the house of Mr Booz several days after her discharge without his consent and thereby place herself under obligations to him to an amount Equivalent to her board while there which he is justly Entitled to. But inasmuch as the said Booz refused to settle [deleted: to settle] with her when discharged, at which time she demanded her money & assured him that she would leave his premises so soon as she received amount due her, and
he having no excuse for its retention than to secure himself for amount of her board in the event she should remain at his house to abide his time for a settlement with her &c - he acted without authority or protection of the law and became, in a measure, responsible to her for his unjustifiable delinquency.
The Evidence further shows, that Mr Burdette, boarder in house of Mr Booz, did by promises of Employment in his family at some future time, influence Cornelia to remain and did thereby secure the benefit of her services in his (Burdette's) family without compensation or without becoming obligatory for her board. He, therefore, in the opinion of this office, also became responsible in a measure to Cornelia for her remaining &c.
Whereas it is above shown that Each party mentioned in this connection, was equally in the wrong. - Mr Booz will pay to Cornelia the sum of $2.50 - Mr. Burdette will also pay her [added: the] same amount, which leaves an equal amount ($2.50) yet due on the original claim ($7.50) to be borne by Cornelia
Roswell Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
P.S. - Amounts due Cornelia from Mr Booz
& Burdette will be forwarded to her through this office
To - Mr. Booz
Mr. Burdett
Cornelia Moore
Wm Burdett paid $2.50 Nov.
Mr. Booz paid $2.50 [illeg.]
the same to Cornelia $5 Nov.