Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John A.
McDonnell, May 10, 1867
Jackson forwards ration request reports to McDonnell in Winchester.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Sub District Augusta & Highland
Captain John A McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner
May 10/67
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of communication from your Headquarters May 7/67 authorizing me to forward Ration estimates for May and referring me to "Circular 33 Headquarters Assistant Commissioner Series 1866" The office file of orders at this post is so imperfect as to be almost useless and [unclear: much] was [unclear: missing]. I respectfully transmit Ration returns for 21 days calling for 630 rations. These lack my signature as I was instructed to forward them some time back. If incorrect in this report or if you require the names please inform me.
Your obedient servant
Thos P Jackson