Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: George T. Cook to R. S. Lacey, December 31, 1866

Cook's report expresses surprise at the level of fairness in criminal trials, but also notes that several cases of assault will come before Grand Juries in February 1867.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Office Assistant Superintendent Sub-District Number 10 7th District
Department Potomac - Comprising the Counties
of Augusta and Highland Captain R. S. Lacey
Superintendent 7th District Virginia
Lynchburg, Virginia

December 31st 1866

Staunton Augusta County Virginia


I have the honor to report that in all the "Criminal Trials" of Freedmen which I have attended during the month of December I have witnessed a degree of fairness I had not expected to see in this Sub-District

The only trials I have attended have been in this Town and before Magistrates, I have [added: not] been notified of any out of Town.

Several cases in which Freedmen were interested came up on the 25th and 26th inst. but so far as the power of the Magistrates went, justice was administered, it now remains to see whether or no the Grand Jury, which meets in February next, will cause

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whites engaged in assaults upon Freedmen to be indicted, and if Juries can be found to try such cases impartially.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

George T. Cook
1st Lieutenant Veterans' Reserve Corps & Assistant Superintendent

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