Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to
Orlando Brown, November 30, 1867
Jackson reports on court cases involving freedmen during November 1867.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia.
Brevet Brigadier General O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner
District of Virginia
Richmond (Through Headquarters 9" Sub-District
November 30th 1867.
Staunton, Virginia,
In compliance with Circular Order No [added: 10] [deleted: 6] (Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands) Series 1866 I have the honor to report that during the month of November no cases involving the rights of Freedmen have been tried at County or Circuit Court. Numerous complaints have been referred to District Magistrates but with indifferent result, owing in part to inability on my part to be present at examination and also the poverty of the Freedmen who are unable to sue in County courts.
I have the honor to be, General
Your obedient
Thomas P. Jackson