Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando
Brown, October 4, 1865
How submits a request for supplies for the coming winter, including heating
stoves for Bureau offices and fuel for gratuitous distribution.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned
Sixth Distict Virginia
Colonel O. Brown, Assistant Commissioner
Richmond Virginia
October 4th 1865
Staunton Virginia
I have the honor to forward herewith my estimate of [unclear: Quartermaster] [illeg.] in addition to that for stationery previously forwarded.
The fuel will be needed by many who are now barely able to support themselves and who in the very cold climate of this region will suffer severely without such gratuitous issue.
The [unclear: forage] is for [illeg.] public [illeg.] now in [illeg.].
The heating stoves and pipe is for the several officers in this District and will be requisite for the transaction of business.
I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
W. Storer How Captain
Assistant Quartermaster
Superintendent Sixth District