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Freedmen's Bureau Records: George T. Cook to R. S. Lacey, October 17, 1866

Cook notes the acknowledgement of a War Department Circular by the overseers of the poor in Augusta County.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Assistant Superintendent Sub-District No. 10 7th District Virginia Captain R. S. Lacey
Superintendent 7th District Va
Lynchburg Virginia

October 17th 1866

Staunton Augusta County Virginia


I have the honor to enclose herewith an acknowledgement of the receipt of Circular No. 10 from War Department Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands dated August 22d 1866 signed by the Superintendent of Board of Overseers of the Poor of Augusta County Virginia

I have heard nothing in reply to [illeg.] my letter accompanying the Circular forwarded to Highland County the colored population of that County is very small and the Bureau has not been supporting any freedmen of that County.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

Geo. T. Cook
1st Lieutenant Veterans' Reserve Corps and Assistant Superintendent

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