Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando
Brown, January 6, 1866
How reports recent court cases involving free blacks. The case in Staunton
involved a woman who sued her former owner for travelling expenses back to her
home in Kentucky.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters, Sixth
District, Virginia,
Colonel O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner
Richmond, Virginia
January 6th 1866
Winchester, Virginia
I have the honor to transmit herewith my Report of Cases tried during the week ending December 23d 1865.
Report of Cases tried by the Boards of Agents, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
& Abandoned Lands,
in the Sixth District of Virginia during the week
ending on the 23d day of December 1865.
Number Where Parties Names Claim or Charge Judgement Fines Paid Remarks Complainants Defendants 1 Winchester, Virginia J. Johnson Freedman J. Cain White Plaintiff claims $6 for services Postpoined for further hearing 2 Winchester, Va Benj. Elliot Freedman Milton B. Anderson White Plaintiff claims payment for services Defendant to pay Plaintiff $5 3 Winchester, Va. Randall Newman Freedman Jacob Ferrick White Plaintiff claims payment for services Defendant to pay Plaintiff $3 4 Staunton, Va. Martha Coleman Freedwoman E. P. Walton White Plaintiff claims & Defendant admits that he hired her before the war, & brought her from Kentucky, promising to pay her expenses back whenever she wanted to go. Defendant now so refuses on the ground of the change in Status of the late Slave. Defendant required to furnish funds to defray Plaintiff's expenses to her home on her before the 15th of January 1866.
I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
W. Storer How
Captain & Assistant Quartermaster
Superintendent Sixth District