Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Statement of Thomas S. Johnson, June 15, 1865

Johnson's statement of June 1865 attests to the seizure of Wholey's property and lumber by the military.

June 15, 1865

Provost Marshall Office
Staunton Virginia

Personally appeared before me Thos S. Johnson Captain & Provost Marshall, who after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that on or about the last of April, the military authorities seized and used a lot of Boards & Plank belonging to Thomas Wholey. Said Boards & Plank were inside the barracks, the amount taken is estimated at twenty two Hundred feet (2200 feet)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this (15th) day June 1865
Thos S. Johnson
Captain & Provost Marshall

Patrick Hassete

Mr Wholey has the bill of lumber for which he paid $2.50 per (100) feet
[signed]Thos S. Johnson, Captain & Provost Marshall

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