Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Frederick S. Tukey to John A. McDonnell, March 30, 1867

Tukey forwards descriptions of the voting and magisterial districts for Augusta County.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Sub District Augusta & Highland Captain John A. McDonnell
Superintendent 9th Sub District - Department of the Potomac
Winchester, Virginia

March 30th/67

Staunton, Virginia


Enclosed herewith please find a List of Magisterial Districts and voting precincts with their boundaries for Augusta County Virginia as they stood in 1860 since which time no changes have been made. It will take at least ten days to get any thing like a correct list from Highland County. I have written to the County Clerk to forward me the list and as soon as I receive it will forward it to you.

I am Captain with much Respect
Your Obedient Servant

Frederick S. Tukey
Assistant Superintendent

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