Freedmen's Bureau Records: John Scott to William R.
Morse, January 12, 1869
Scott, the local educational agent in Staunton after the closing of the Bureau,
reports briefly on a few schools. He also notes that black leadership of their
own schools is not in their own interests.
Wm. R. Morse
Brevet Major & Superintendent of
January 12/69
Staunton, Virginia
Dear Sir,
The Blanks for Teachers Monthly Reports came duly. I was absent at the time but they are now received.
The schools of which I have control, I will endeavor to see that are reported to you by the 30 [unclear: es] per request.
The school now kept by Jacklin Strange is not under my control nor the one kept at Greenville by Miss Emily Rodney.
Nevertheless I will forward them the blanks and [unclear: read] to Strange (who I think has charge of the Greenville school) your request to me.
Very Respectfully
John Scott
P.S. An opinion among the colored people that they are capable of taking the lead in their own educational affairs, roundabout here is working badly against their interest.