Freedmen's Bureau Records: D. R. Brower to J. J.
DeLamater, June 24, 1867
Brower asks for transportation home for an elderly Staunton resident after his
surgery in Richmond.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. J. DeLamater,
Surgeon United States Army
Surgeon in Chief
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
District of Virginia
June 24th 1867
Howard's Grove Hospital
Richmond, Virginia
I have the honor to request Transportation to Staunton, Virginia for Henry Williams [added: aged] indigent Freedman now at this Hospital.
He came to this Hospital for the purpose of being operated on for Cataract, which operation has been done successfully and he is now ready to return to his home.
If Transportation is furnished him the Government will be relieved of the Expense of his Support.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D.R. Brower
A.A. Surgeon
United States Army