Freedmen's Bureau Records: V. W. Curtis to Orlando
Brown, July 17, 1865
Curtis details the organization and division of his Military District in
Virginia. He designates Staunton to be the Sub-District headquarters for Augusta
and four surrounding counties. Curtis instructs Brown to designate men to serve
as Bureau superintendents for districts that correspond to the Military
organization to avoid conflicts and lack of personnel.
Head Quarters District of South Western Virginia
Colonel O. Brown
Superintendent Bureau of Freedmens
Richmond, Virginia
July 17, 1865
Lynchburg Virginia
I have divided my District into five Sub-Districts as follows--
Augusta, Higland, Bath, Rockbridge & Alleghany Counties.
Nelson, Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford,
and Campbell Counties.
Pittsylvania, Henry, Patrick & Franklin Counties
New River
Botetourt, Craig, Roanoke, Montgomery, Floyd, Pulaski &
Giles Counties
Carroll, Wythe, Tazewell, Smyth, Grayson, Washington, Russell, Buchanan,
Wise, Lee, and Scott Counties
and respectfully request that you send Officers of your Bureau to have charge of Freedmens affairs in each of the Sub Districts, the one in charge of the Sub District of Lynchburg to be appointed by you Chief Superintendent of the entire district, to whom you will send send all your orders and who alone will report direct to you all matters relating to your Bureau in my District.
Should you do this, I am confident the duties can be well performed and no clashing with the Military Authorities as I would know what orders you gave, and could send instructions to the Sub District Commanders to cooperate with the Sub Superintendents in that District in carrying out your isntructions.
I will detail a Sergeant and a sufficient number of men for each
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County to report direct to and be under the orders of the Sub Superintendent of your Bureau in the various Sub Districts.
I cannot at present detail Officers for the duty of Sub Superintendents and if I did they would, I believe be quite incompetent to discharge the duties required in a proper manner.
You can obtain Assistant Quartermasters and [unclear: C.S.s] who will remain permanently on duty while officers connected with troops are so frequently relieved and changed that they take and have less interest than is required in matters as important as are those of your Bureau.
Please telegraph me what action you take in this matter. I think you will have to alter the limits of your Sub Division of the Shenandoah Valley to correspond with those of the Department else you will have great difficulty in arranging work for a man under [illeg.] [unclear: Department Commanding ]
I am Sir
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Very Respectfully
Your Most Obedient Servant
V.W. Curtis
Brevet Major General
United States Army
Commanding District