Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: T. A. Torbert to Oliver O. Howard, July 13, 1865

Torbert asks that a Bureau Agent be appointed for the Shenandoah Valley, as he does not know how to the handle the problems being presented to him.

Headquarters Army of the Shenandoah,
Middle Military Division, To Major General Howard
Chief of Freedmens Bureau
Washington DC

July 13th 1865

Winchester, Virginia


I have the honor to request that an agent be appointed for the Shenandoah Valley to look after the interests of the Freedmen. Many persons wish to get rid of the old men & women left on their places that they may hire [unclear: white] laborers and I am constantly

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applied to on the subject. I think it would be well to [unclear: find] an Agent of the Department here to take charge of their affairs generally as I am thus far totally ignorant of all Orders, Circulars and policy of the Bureau.

Very Respectfully

A Torbert
[illeg.] [illeg.]

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