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Freedmen's Bureau Records: George T. Cook to R. S. Lacey, July 3, 1866

Cook reports on the County taxes assessed for 1866, including the levy for poor relief.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Assistant Superintendent Sub-District Virginia Captain R. S. Lacey
Superintendent Seventh District Virginia
Lynchburg, Va.

July 3d 1866

Staunton Virginia


I have the honor to make the following report, in compliance with instructions of Circular No. 4 from Headquarters Sixth District Virginia Winchester, Virginia June 1st 1866 directing renewal of application for information called for by Circular No. 15 from Current Series from Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner, State of Virginia viz:

Augusta County, Virginia

1 -- The amount of County levy required to be paid by each tithable person in the County is three (3) dollars each.

2 -- The amount of poor levy in the County is $15627.00 of which the sum of $6500 is for the regular annual appropriation for the support of the poor and for the building of additional houses for the accomodation of freedmen

3 -- The class of colored males exempt from County and poor tax consists of all those under sixteen years and

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those who are disabled from age and bodily infirmity

4 -- There is no assessment on real estate to defray County and poor levy.

5 -- There are 4259 white, and 950 colored tithables, making a total of 5209 tithables.

Highland County, Virginia

1 -- The amount of County and poor levy required to be paid by each tithable person is $3.25

2 -- The amount of poor levy is $795.22

3 -- No colored males are exempt from County and poor tax

4 -- The amount laid on real estate per $100 valuation to defray County levy and poor tax is 3 1/2 cents

5 -- The comparative number of colored tithables with white tithables is 933 white to 50 colored tithables.

The above reports are taken from reports of the County Clerks of the respective Counties, for the year 1866.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant

Geo. T. Cook
1st 1st Lieutenant and Assistant Superintendent

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