Freedmen's Bureau Records: Frederick S. Tukey to M.
E. Strieby, August 9, 1865
Tukey writes to say that he has recently taken up his post in Staunton, and will
not be able to go the Mission House in Portsmouth. He remarks that at least four
teachers will be needed in Staunton, and he gives the name of two he would
Rev. M. E. Strieby
August 9th 1865
Staunton Virginia
Dear Sir
You will probably recollect that some 4 weeks ago I submitted to you through
Professor Woodbury, a
[unclear: propposition] on taking charge of
one of your Mission Houses in Portsmouth. Since then I have moved to Staunton,
whilst on my way here I again saw Professor Woodbury
and he desired to know if I should [unclear: start] one in Staunton on the same [illeg.]
[illeg.] I told him yes, he said he would consult you and give me an
answer but I cannot hear a word
[page 2]
from him although I [illeg.]
written to him since I went to New Jersey Now will you
please take the matter in Hand and give me an [unclear: immediate]
Staunton will be an [unclear: entire] [illeg.] field of operations and will want about 4 teachers, and in order for me to carry out my propositions one of them must be Miss McLeane and both she and myself would be very glad to have her sister, Mrs Dunn come with her.
Now if you will answer at [unclear: once] you will greatly oblige
Your friend and Obedient Servant
F.S. Tukey
Assistant Superintendent
Freedmen &c
Direct to Staunton via care Captain W. S. How Assistant Quartermaster